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Frequently Asked Questions

Is This Legal? 

SPT is legal and is not the same as prostitution. Surrogate Partners want you to not need them anymore rather than to be a repeat client. Additionally, many if not most, SPT clientele do not require any form of intimate contact in order to see benefits and growth. There are no state or federal laws prohibiting or regulating the practicing of SPT. When in the California DA’s office, Kamala Harris said of SPT that “If it's between consensual adults and referred by licensed therapists and doesn't involve minors, then it's not illegal.” SPT practiced within the triadic model with licensed therapist supervision has been legal throughout the U.S. since 2003. Medical insurance covers SPT in some countries.

What Do Boundaries and Consent Look Like?

Boundaries are an essential part of doing any sort of therapeutic modality. It is essential to maintain professional boundaries and courtesies outside of session. This is a two way street and is non-negotiable. If either of our boundaries are disregarded, we cannot feel the sense of safety that is necessary for this work, so it is in both of our interests to honor them fervently. In particular given the nature of this modality, informed enthusiastic consent around any sort of contact is an absolute non-negotiable. Regardless of your decision on me or SPT, please make sure you are informed about what consent is and what it is not. It will make your sex life better and your partners happier.

I use a sliding scale in order to ensure that most people can afford SPT. However, if there are costs for travel and lodging, those are to be borne by the client. I will do my best to minimize this. This does not include the cost of a sex therapist who is to work in conjunction with the surrogate partner.

What Is Your Patronage?

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